Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Remembering John Porter

In almost seven years working at the Mission with men from different kinds of backgrounds and experiences, I have had the privilege of ministering to many unique individuals. But invariably, every time the Lord reminds me of why I am in this ministry, He does so by reminding me of John.

John Porter was the very first client I ever had. I only had the privilege of knowing John for three days. You see, John was very sick and dying of AIDS. He was a very young man, only 30 years of age, and yet his prospects for the future were very bleak.

My first conversation with John revealed a man who was very much afraid of death. John shared that fear with me many times in his short stay.

On the second day that John was at the Mission, I had the opportunity to share the love of Christ with him. Through the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, John found forgiveness and hope in Christ. I will never forget what John said to me the last day before he left the Mission, as we sat in my pickup truck. He said to me, with tears of joy in his eyes, that for the first time in his life, he was not afraid to die.

So, you see, the Lord often reminds me of John when I need to be reminded of why he has called me to the Mission. Thank you, John. I will never forget you, and I look forward to seeing you in glory.

-Dan Scheuerlein, Men's Ministry

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Thanks for sharing some of John's story. God is gracious to being John's memory to mind when you move through your day here. Press on.

Steve B.