Monday, July 17, 2006

The cost of grace

It is pretty clear to us who know the Lord that grace, though freely given, has cost the Giver dearly. At no cost to me, I am given His unmerited favor (grace). That means that in every instance God promises to favor me, to always act in my best interest. Further, whatever it costs Him to always act in my best interest He gladly pays. That’s what is so amazing about grace.

It is the initial realization of this unwarranted gift that drives us to our knees before our God. It is a fuller, growing appreciation of this grace that produces our growth and maturity in Christ.

I have come to see from my own experience of grace that grace is the thing the Lord uses to free us from our bondage to fear. His relentless commitment to always act in my best interest was what convinced me to trust Him and let go my devotion to self-protection.

Because grace is the stuff used to change people, we are committed to building grace into all our dealings with everyone whom the Lord brings us. That means that we commit to always acting in the best interest of those who come here for services. No exceptions.

This may mean that it is time to question some of our current practices.

If you do it poorly it will cost you nothing.
If you do it well it will cost you some abuse.
If you do it perfectly it will cost you your life.

Aaron Eggers, Men’s Ministries

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