Monday, July 03, 2006

Truth & Love

I am struggling with being more like Jesus. What does that mean? I have heard this said since the day I gave my life to Him, but I’m not sure what it “looks” like. Jesus was God & I am so inadequate. I don’t know anything; I often do & say the wrong things. He always knew the perfect thing to say & do when He spoke with others. My heart aches for the lost and I have shed many tears for those who have no hope, but how do I show them the hope of Christ as He did. His love was demonstrated in such purity, gentleness & truth. Often my “truth” is just perceived as hurtful and unloving. How did He do that? He spoke the truth they needed to hear with such love they couldn’t resist!

Over the weekend I was in Philadelphia staying with my daughter & husband who minister to those on the streets of Kensington & Fishtown. We ooh & aah over how “rough” Philadelphia is, but the hearts and needs of the people there are no different than here at Water Street. I had done a women’s weekend conference with them and one of the women, still in the throes of addiction & denial, latched on to me as her friend. Why? Did she maybe see a glimmer of Jesus, His love, His hope? She invited me to a party for the christening of her beautiful 8 month old granddaughter. Her home was in an area of the neighborhood known for the alcoholics and heroin addicts, and she invited me in as if I was a royal guest. She hugged me, thanked me for coming and told me she loved me. Wow, how did I get such an honor? The party was a crowd of people ready to party & get high, but she ask them to wait until her guests left to open the “keg” and crank up the music.

I ask the Lord, what do I do? What do I say? Silence…… I walked away with sadness in my heart and a promise to keep in touch with her as she is facing surgery. Should I have got the attention of the crowd in a raised voice to speak about Jesus & what He could offer them that was so much better than the high they were headed to? Am I afraid to speak about Jesus so boldly or does He want me to love them as they are and wait for the time their ears & hearts will be ready to hear? I am also reminded as I write this that many hated Him, lashed out at Him and so I will also be hated. I hang on to His promises to trust in Him and He will show the way! Not me, but Him!

I have such good news & often want to speak boldly but hold back. Is this Jesus guiding me to wait until His time or is it my fear? Is anyone else struggling with this? As I serve those in the clinics at WS: clients, volunteers, staff and community, I want to speak as Jesus spoke and be more like Him. Loving, kind, gentle, while speaking a life transforming truth!

-Gale Thomason, WSRM Clinics

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