Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Reminder of His work

I was cleaning off a part of my desk today (it's too big of a mess to tackle all at once) and I reread a letter that I received a short while ago. A great reminder to me of the impact this ministry has had on so many lives through the years:

Dear Mr. Crowley,

I received your letter responding to my United Way donation. I just wanted to tell you what you did for me.

I was a single parent, living from paycheck to paycheck. Through you, I was able to send my son to camp. He came back singing, "If I was a butterfly..." and talking about devotion. Bottom line, he and his cousins remember their days at Teen Haven. Two generations of our family came to Teen Haven. Today, they are fine young men - church going men with families. Teen Haven helped us keep these boys off the streets. Two are policemen, one works in electronics, and my son is a lawyer. Thank you, Thank you.

Praise God for the lives He has touched through Teen Haven, and for the work He continues to do today.

-Jack Crowley, Teen Haven

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