Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Leaving the outcome to God...

Not every client story has a happy ending. But I've come to watch and wonder about the ways in which God uses the Mission to prepare the ground in those clients who aren't yet ready to receive the life change Christ offers.

I think about one client who was with us for a month in the shelter. Some of her life goals - education, a career - were good goals, God-given. But the way she went about trying to acheive those goals involved manipulation and avoidance. For one whole month I watched staff continually work to help this client recognize that her life was unmanageable and that her way of relating to people involved using them.

Eventually, she left... and honestly we can't say that we saw much "progress." But at the same time, we cannot say that she left without hearing truth spoken in love. We have to leave the long-term outcome to God.

-Daral Boles, Women's Ministry

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