Thursday, May 14, 2009

Please pray...Teen Haven Leadership Conference

On Friday, May 29, through Sunday, May 31, Over 70 teens (Teen Haven youth along with youth and leaders from local churches) will join together at Teen Haven Camp for ILLUMINATE 2009. This weekend is Teen Haven's Spring Leadership Conference and participants will be able to be challenged and encouraged to grow as leaders through workshops, fellowship & worship. The focus of the conference will be on these three topics:
- Who is THE LIGHT?
- Walk in THE LIGHT
- Carry the LIGHT

Will you join us in prayer as we lift up the workshop speakers, youth, and staff involved in Teen Haven's Spring Leadership Conference?

1 Peter 2:9 “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful LIGHT.”

As I've been thinking about the concept of "Illuminate", I believe that God’s eternal light desires to ignite, illuminate even, each of our lives with a flame of hope and healing for the brokenness inside us and around us. When we choose to follow His calling I think we too can allow this light of life to beam inside of us… May we respond as God’s chosen ones and through His love… become a holy nation, and step up as ambassadors of praise to the darkness. And may we surround these young leaders with prayer as they desire to encounter the eternal LIGHT during ILLUMINATE 2009.

- Janae L. Dagen, Teen Haven Secretary
Photo, above, of Youth Leader's enjoying some down time at Teen Haven's Spring Leadership Conference 2008

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