Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Coworkers sharing God's heart

How have residents, youth, coworkers and/or children shared God’s heart with you this week?

While growing up I had a father that I went to usually as a last resort. I tended to transfer that to my relationship with God and still struggle, at times, with a hesitancy in approaching “the throne” to talk with God.

I’ve been at Water Street Ministries for over a month now but had some questions this week about shelter and counseling session related procedures and went to a co-worker. I know that she is very busy but when I approached her with my questions she talked to me so receptively that I never felt that I was an interruption or inconvenience at all. She reminds me of that part of God’s heart that encourages me to boldly approach the throne. It also encourages me to do the same when I cross paths here with anyone, whether client, co-worker, or stranger, so I, too, can reflect God’s heart to those around me.

Christina Lickmann • Program Counselor, Water Street Mission

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