Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Residents sharing God's Heart

How have residents, youth, coworkers and/or children shared God’s heart with you this week?

Consider this situation: you're trying to get your life back together, but as part of the turnaround, you are forced to live in a dorm room with someone you've never met and had no part in choosing. Now imagine that your roommate is seriously ill and in need of a tremendous amount of help and attention. How would you handle this?

Listen to Jim Stanton, one of our men's counselor share what he has seen in the life of one of the men at Water Street...

One male resident is sharing a room with another man with some serious health concerns. The “healthy” man is experiencing a newfound love for others who need help! This is a new set of feelings and concerns that had not been part of his life before "Christ impacted change" happened inside him. How can we deny that Christ changes people’s outlooks, desires, feelings and attitudes?

I see change happen before me constantly in my workplace. PTL (Praise The Lord) that He allows me to recognize that this is from Him!

- Jim Stanton, Program Counselor

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