Thursday, September 24, 2009

WSHS --- Following God’s Heart

I was speaking yesterday with a co-worker about providing Christ centered health care to the poor of Lancaster and discussing the struggle of needing volunteers to provide the care we give but to also not allow the Vision of Christ centered health care to be lost to the world’s view of healthcare. The boards that run our organizations are given the task of keeping the health services we provide focused on the Mission, which is “To provide Christ centered health care to those without access”, but at times we offend those who want to join us and help by being too “religious”. As we discussed this dilemma, we realized a few key points:

1. Are we truly running a health center that is God’s? We must be sure that it is not just a good Christian idea, but that we are called by our Father to minister to the poor in this manner and in His way. Once the Boards and leadership know this to be true, through answered prayer and from His Word, not just based on our own opinions, then we must,
2. Be committed to what He has called us to do! We must trust God to provide for His ministry and lead us in His ways on how to treat others, both Christ followers who may not have the same faith tenets that we have & those seekers who come across our paths so we may be a light to them & plant the seed for them to come to Christ as followers.
3. We must be sure to never compromise on who and how we serve, but be ready to speak the truth to whomever asks us why & how we do what we do. As we are faithful to Him, He will be faithful to us!

I found this discussion with my sibling in Christ to be thought provoking and encouraging for I & the Board of Water Street Health Services know that Water Street Health Services is God’s healthcare facility for the poor & homeless without access to healthcare in Lancaster & Lebanon! My prayer is that each Board member and staff person seeks God’s leadership on what that means for them and how they are part of His plan to carry out the work of providing healthcare. If they are truly called to be part of His plan, then they need to commit everything they have to the calling!

As I reflected on our discussion more, I also know we must be cautious to not be like the religious leaders in the time of Christ here on earth, for it was those who were “religious” that got His most severe criticism. It is about love, as He commands, first to love God with all of our hearts, souls and mind and then to love others as ourselves. If we follow these two commands, we will be following Christ’s way as we care for those He brings to us to help as employees, volunteers, to learn as students or to receive care from us in the name of Christ!

Gale Thomason - Executive Director, Water Street Health Services

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