Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Joy of a Secret at Wonder Club

Several weeks ago my mother came to visit WCELC. She was going to be here right after nap time. As I looked around the room, I saw a little boy just not having a good day. So I pulled him aside and asked him if He could keep a secret. He shook his head, And I said remember a secret means you can’t tell anyone. He again shook his head. So I told him, Mrs. Karen’s Mommy is coming to visit. His whole face lit up and he quickly turned around and yelled “Hey everybody Mrs. Karen’s Mommy is coming to see us after nap!”

This Morning that made me think. Why do I at times keep Jesus’ birth and His coming back a secret. Jesus coming back is so much more exciting then my Mother visiting for a little time. Soon WE will be with Him and see Him face to face. WOW!!!!!

Karen Smith • Assistant Teacher, Wonder Club Early Learning Centers

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