Friday, January 29, 2010

"Sadness" - A Poem

The art of poetry has been experienced in new ways at the Lydia Center, where woman have been given an opportunity to learn, write and express through poetry together! There are six poems which these woman wanted to share on our blog, so be sure to read the upcoming poems from this collection.

Many thanks to Jennifer, a volunteer, who lead the poetry class where the following poem was composed:

By Anita, client, Lydia Center

I’ve begun to feel a sense of loss –
Oh why does my heart ache?
No matter how I am feeling
There is always hope to come.
I cannot hang my head down all the time.
I am a happy person.
Despite the sadness,
Positive perspective is always near.
I will no longer be
The unhappy person I once was.
To be strapped down with sadness
Leads me to healing,
To become happy and content again.
There is always hope after feeling the pain.

(Poem 4 of 6)

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