Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Lesson Learned!

One of the teachers was explaining to the children that getting a “yellow card” (part of the classroom discipline system) is a consequence for disobeying. A child responded, “Like Adam and Eve?” “Yes,” the teacher replied, “and what was their consequence?” Another child said, “They had to leave the garden.”
In another classroom the children were learning that everybody makes choices. They can choose to be obedient to God and their teachers and their lives will be good. Or they can make a bad choice and then there will be a consequence. One day one of the children was acting up and his brother came to the teacher and said, “Mike is not making a good choice.”

It is nice to know that our Bible stories and lessons are sinking in and exciting to hear the words of truth from God’s word come back through the mouths of these precious children!

Lorraine Brandt • Wonder Club Administrator

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