Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ambassadors for Water Street Mission

It is so cool to see 20 of our Learning Center students be ambassadors for Water Street as they each share with a student from Millersville about their life during an introductory session for a writing course that David (Director of the Learning Center) organized with Millersville University.

Listening in on conversations, I can hear our students talk about themselves, about the program…(quote “this is revolutionary stuff I am learning here”).. and about their relationship with God. In response I am hearing words from the MU students like “you are such an inspiration” and “I never really thought about it that way before”. Great conversations and great relationships are being developed. As we approach the lunch break, it is hard to stop some of our men from talking. GOD IS GOOD!

Some words from our students… “I was actually dreading this, but it was OK!” And “That kid was cool, man!” Another student struggled a little, “That was a little too personal,” but he did it anyway. This is a stretching, growing experience for him. Another said, “It took me back to my college days” and it seemed to be a good memory for him.

This is an ongoing course, and we look forward to seeing relationships develop and continue beyond the 6 class sessions that have been assigned for this project.

Sue Pearce • Learning Center Instructor

Monday, February 22, 2010

Moving Day Surprises!

Last week two volunteers and I were making a delivery of furniture to a Water Street Mission resident who just moved out. As we got out of the truck to start carrying in the furniture I was surprised to see a familiar face a couple doors down—another volunteer who rides on the truck to pick up furniture with yet another volunteer who drives for us. Okay, that’s a lot of volunteers in one spot but I am amazed at who God brings the community together with the time, energy and ability to make this service to the poor possible.

Dean Wenger • Redistribution Manager

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Dental Clinic experiences Breakthrough!

We had a God intervention moment yesterday in the Dental Clinic.

The dental film processor stopped working and a staff member had to develop film by hand which is more difficult and they don’t turn out as clear. She had called the repair company and they couldn’t come to repair the machine until Friday. So, she decided to pray over the machine. She laid hands on it and asked God to “heal” the machine so it would work. Once she stopped praying she turned it on --- and it didn’t work. So, she stopped and said OK Lord what do you want me to do. The next thing she did was hit it on the side and you guessed it --- it works! She then called back the repair company and testified to the power of prayer! I loved her statement to me that we often think of prayer as a last resort and when we say we pray about and for everything, do we really?

I know she inspired me to remember to talk with God about everything, no matter how small (or big), for He cares and He has the answers for us!

Gale Thomason • Executive Director

Monday, February 15, 2010

A Teen Haven Supporter Shares Her Story

I was greeted at the door by a Spanish speaking woman who questioned my intentions. I said my name and that I was with Water Street Ministries from Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Over her shoulder I could see an elderly woman sitting on the couch wrapped in a blanket.

It was a grey, rainy day in Southern California, but not what this PA native would consider chilly even in April. Edith was a frail looking woman in her early 80's. I introduced myself to this matriarchal lady and she responded in kind. While Edith appeared cold on the outside her smile was warm and inviting. Familiar with Teen Haven, she required a brief explanation of Water Street Ministries. She of course was curious as to how someone associated with Teen Haven was in her living room. (I was attending a conference in California and thought it would be nice to look up some of our long distance supporters during my free time).

As we shared together our conversation centered around how Edith and her husband came to know Bill Drury, the founder of Teen Haven. She explained that they were drawn to the passion Mr. Drury had for helping urban youth. Loyal supporters of the ministry for more than 20 years Edith spoke of her commitment to follow God and his commandments. She had never been to Pennsylvania and thus had not seen Teen Haven ministries in person, but she knew the locations and the work being done. Before I knew it 45 minutes had passed. If it had not been for Edith's assistant reminding her it was time to check her medication I could have been lost in conversation for much longer. As it was the day was growing late and we both recognized the need to part company.

Edith, delighted someone had taken the time to say hello, asked that I remind everyone back home of the good work we were doing and to stay strong in the Lord for He is our strength. We shook hands and as I looked into this women's face I could see the love she spoke of for her husband, Teen Haven and the Lord. As the door closed behind me and I walked to the car I realized how truly blessed I was to be able to spend some time with this lady of the Lord.

Keith Shetter • Director of Donor Relations

Friday, February 12, 2010

Teen Haven - taking on the SNOW!

I would simply like to share how awesome God is by providing the young people that he has entrusted to us. These young men and ladies are so amazing and bless my heart each time I get to be with them, with this type of weather they still find a way to get to our home, to hang out and to help shovel (home and Teen Haven and a couple of other places). Their attitude is so selfless, it is so much work and yet they continue to serve with a Christ-like heart, these young folks are very dear to us and I praise God for the opportunity to be part of their lives and growth.

This past weekend they helped me shovel Teen Haven and then we walked around the city asking God what he had planned for us to do and whenever we asked that question, God provided the opportunity to serve and to pray for people. We helped people who were stuck on the road get out, parked cars that were covered and people struggling to get them out, we helped them out in matter of minutes. And each time we were finished we told them who we were and that we were from Teen Haven, and then asked them if we could pray for them (which we did). And as we kept walking the students kept asking ok, Lord what’s next? “The Missioners” are here at your service. We started out that day at 11am and finished at 6pm.
And today was no different; I’m blessed to see the growth of these young people.

Jose Jimenez • Lancaster Boys Program Coordinator

Thursday, February 11, 2010

What is a Home?

Alvin was my client, is now in Transition, and is on an awesome path in following the Lord. He wrote this on his own and read a handwritten copy at my former church where he and some other men shared about Water Street. I asked him to type it out and share it. The touching part is that the author has NOT had a home of his own for nearly 2 years. Blessings as your read – watch out for tears!
Jim Stanton • Program Counselor

What A Home is to me.

Home is a place for happiness; where laughter is a cure for pain.
Home is a place for togetherness; when lights go out in heavy rains.
Home is a place for family; where conversations last into the night.
Home is a place for truth, because you lead by example and not by flight.
Home is a place for love, it’s so easy, sitting around with a smile.
Home is a place for nurseries, because we’ll be practicing for a while.
Home is a place for education, for it’s the key to success.
Home is a place for building confidence; doing your very best.
Home is place for relaxation; to kick your feet up and close your eyes.
Home is a place for therapy, to talk about things, even if one cries.
Home is a place for fun; where acting silly will surely pass the time.
Home is a place for honesty, because we don’t want lies on our minds.
Home is a place for religion, because without God, our souls are lost.
Home is a place for keeping the faith, no matter what the cost.

• Written by Water Street Mission Resident: Alvin

Monday, February 08, 2010

Learning from One Another

Ephesians 4:15b-16, English Standard Version
"Speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love."

Here at Water Street Ministries we desire to speak love and life in situations and struggles where it is often absent. One staff member shared these profound reflections that many times it is the residents and community that are the voices and hands that reveal honest, selfless love to us - and not simply the other way around! Listen, to these stories...

I find myself quite often on the streets of Lancaster, walking past groups of people engaged in conversation. Some of the words overheard in those conversations cannot be repeated here. But the other morning, while walking into work, I overheard a conversation between two male clients, and words such as “appreciate” and “blessed” reached my ears. This experience impressed upon me that we really are having an impact on the people who pass through our ministry.

On another occasion...
I had an appointment in Lancaster at 7 PM one Monday evening, I decided to work a little later rather than run home and right back again shortly thereafter. I usually park on Water Street and by the time I left to go to my car, the rear gates were locked. Still unfamiliar with access to different areas of the buildings, I asked the ladies who were sitting on the benches near the parking area if they knew of any short-cut way that I might use to go more directly to my car. They said there was no short-cut, that I would have to walk out to Prince Street, down Farnum and then down Water Street to my car. Before I even thought of it as a personal safety issue, Donna stepped forward and asked if I would like her to walk with me to my car. I was overwhelmed! I felt, as an employee here, my work was “providing” for the clients, and here it was a client who so thoughtfully “provided” for me! I guess it proves that we all have something to give each other no matter how little we may seem to have.

Friday, February 05, 2010

Girls' Weekend at Teen Haven Camp

Listen to some of the memories and encounters from the first weekend at Teen Haven Camp for Girls in 2010….

We shared in a weekend of fun - One specific highlight was on Saturday night at the PJ party, where the girls enjoyed a game called “Move It or Lose It.” Oddet Mears, the Philadelphia Girls Program Coordinator shared that, “The supervisors did a great job at running the activities at the PJ party. These leaders are growing up so fast, and are maturing into spiritual young women. As I observed the leaders and the campers it is amazing to see them growing up right before your eyes. I often I think, I remember when they came many years ago…but look at them now!!!!” At camp, leaders and first time campers have a dynamic opportunity to grow and develop together as they learn about themselves and encounter the beauty of camp, and presence of God sometimes for the very first time!

We shared in a weekend of transformation – Another highlight of the weekend was experienced on Saturday night, when the girls were able to view the Christmas Cantata celebration from Mt. Zion Baptist Church. This cantata was recorded during the weekend of the major snowstorm on December 18-20, when girls camp needed to be canceled. It was neat how even after the New Year has begun, this Christmas celebration still captured the hearts of the girls, and 4 young ladies came to the Lord at the conclusion of the play. In the words of Vinny Mikusow, Teen Haven Camp Field Director, “There is no cancelations of eternal things with the Lord.

We shared in a weekend of personal growth and sharing - Nina Maldonado, the Lancaster Girls Program Coordinator, had countless opportunities to walk with many of the girls through the challenges and struggles that they needed support with. Each of these times of sharing and breakthrough, were answers to prayer! Nina also shared her highlight, and the joy she had watching one of the girls as she stepped up as, “a leader, a peacemaker, and an encourager!

Please join us in praying that God would continue to guide and direct the hearts and identities of each of the girls, as they continue to learn and grow together. Pray that they would continue to remember their Identity in Christ and choose to live for Him!

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

"The Very Hand of God" - A Poem

The art of poetry has been experienced in new ways at the Lydia Center, where woman have been given an opportunity to learn, write and express through poetry together! There are six poems which these woman wanted to share on our blog, so be sure to read the upcoming poems from this collection.

Many thanks to Jennifer, a volunteer, who lead the poetry class where the following poem was composed:

"The Very Hand of God"
By Dymphna, client, the Lydia Center

As Jesus strolled by my side
I pondered his mercy and grace.
From his fingertips,
Energy illuminated nothingness
From deep in the soil, new life.
In the stillness, the earth moved
As the Holy Spirit drew a tender shoot
So frail, even the slightest touch would crush it,
Yet so mighty it breaks the hardest earth.
What is this, that draws me so gently?
That which could mightily judge me?
That cleanses me from the filth of sin?
Like clean water, mercy from his lips
Reveals my own holiness.
From my innermost being,
The very hand of God
Removes my heart of sin
Freely replacing with new obedience.
As the new sprout of a wild flower reaches
Towards the light from beneath the darkness,
So my new heart reaches for
The very hand of God.

(Poem 6 of 6)

Monday, February 01, 2010

"Prison Cries" - A Poem

The art of poetry has been experienced in new ways at the Lydia Center, where woman have been given an opportunity to learn, write and express through poetry together! There are six poems which these woman wanted to share on our blog, so be sure to read the upcoming poems from this collection.

Many thanks to Jennifer, a volunteer, who lead the poetry class where the following poem was composed:

Prison Cries
By Dymphna, client, Lydia Center

As I was led into the prison of my own making
This time it was not only in my mind.
It seemed death had reached up and took hold of me
Leaving me incapable of calling for help –
Who would hear? Who would care?
What was this place that I had become?
Had death shown his face without the grave?
Uncertainty was my clothing, darkness my sight.
I laid in a weight unknown to me,
Through small openings in doors of steel
The sounds echoed like raging storms.
Eyes like china dolls looked back at me,
China faces in shadows of gray.
Silent prison cries desperately seeking –
Where is my Savior?

(Poem 5 of 6)