Friday, February 12, 2010

Teen Haven - taking on the SNOW!

I would simply like to share how awesome God is by providing the young people that he has entrusted to us. These young men and ladies are so amazing and bless my heart each time I get to be with them, with this type of weather they still find a way to get to our home, to hang out and to help shovel (home and Teen Haven and a couple of other places). Their attitude is so selfless, it is so much work and yet they continue to serve with a Christ-like heart, these young folks are very dear to us and I praise God for the opportunity to be part of their lives and growth.

This past weekend they helped me shovel Teen Haven and then we walked around the city asking God what he had planned for us to do and whenever we asked that question, God provided the opportunity to serve and to pray for people. We helped people who were stuck on the road get out, parked cars that were covered and people struggling to get them out, we helped them out in matter of minutes. And each time we were finished we told them who we were and that we were from Teen Haven, and then asked them if we could pray for them (which we did). And as we kept walking the students kept asking ok, Lord what’s next? “The Missioners” are here at your service. We started out that day at 11am and finished at 6pm.
And today was no different; I’m blessed to see the growth of these young people.

Jose Jimenez • Lancaster Boys Program Coordinator

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