Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A Soup Party with a Purpose!!

For the last three years, Rick Anderer and his wife, Karen, have hosted a middle-of-winter party for some friends. But it’s not just any party; it’s a party with a purpose!

Tell us about the event.

Rick: This is the 3rd year I have held the “Anderer’s Soup Kitchen” event. We solicit donations from local restaurants and grocery stores. I send out invitations, and the guests bring a mug and as many non-perishable food items as they can. The day after the party, I take the food items to the Water Street Mission, have them weighed and then send out a thank you letter with the final results to all involved.

Why do you do it?

Rick: I had a brother who spent some time in a shelter in Atlanta, so this is very personal to me. It’s my way to help return the kindness my brother received.

What comments have your friends made about the event?

Rick: My guests love the event and tell me it is much more fun shopping for food than giving a monetary donation. To many, the shopping part is an event itself. They arrive telling me where they went, how they decided what to get and which things were the best bargains, etc. In addition, each guest drops off their donation on my front porch as they arrive. They tell me how motivating it is to see the pile growing as they arrive and depart. The large pile of food is something tangible, something they get immediate gratification from, and it inspires them to make it bigger. Some guests return the next day with additional items to do just that. Many of those who were invited but couldn’t make it drop off donations the next day, also.

What type of results have you seen this year? How did this year compare to other years?

Rick: This year the event donated 1209 pounds of food (during the big blizzard) as compared to last year’s 977 lbs.

Where did you get the idea for the event?

Rick: I got the idea from John Jarvis (a former head master of Lancaster Country Day School) who would have a yearly get together for all his neighbors on Charlotte Street. I modified it into a benefit.

Thank you Rick, Karen and all your friends, for your kind hearts!

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