Thursday, March 11, 2010

Staff Reflections from Poverty Simulation

This week I attended a poverty simulation where I played the role of a 20 year old single mother who was trying to attend college. We were given a limited amount of money and transportation vouchers, etc. and by the end of the simulation, not only was I getting evicted, but I hadn't gone to a single class and had only fed my family for half the month! It was sooo stressful! The morning was really eye opening as to how confusing our systems can be and the importance of good relationships between agencies, non-profits and churches.
After the simulation we all shared our frustrations and ways we can use what we learned to better work together (the room was full of real representatives from local agencies/non-profits) to service those who come to us for help.

Another staff member played the role of a 15 year old girl, whose irresponsible father lost his job because of being late to work too many times. Meanwhile as she tried to balance school and a part time job she was constantly worried about whether or not the family was able to survive. It was easy to see how quickly this young girl began carrying burdens from the whole family , and isolating from neighbors, and classmates who weren't taking a proactive approach to supporting her and her family during their time of need.

This simulation was presented by the Community Action Program and hosted at the Family Center of Gap. It was an awesome way to see each other in a new perspective and emphasize the importance of relationship between all of the providers there!
- Carrie Keagy, WSM Graphic artist

To learn more about the Community Action Program visit:

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