Thursday, March 04, 2010

What does it mean to be righteous?

I came to work knowing what was on my agenda for the day. I had one meeting and a ‘To Do’ list to get accomplished. However, upon opening my e-mail I discovered a project that was given to me and told “Urgent priority for the day.” This project had to be completed by the end of the work day. The first thought to enter my mind was “What? I have my day planned! How can I accomplish a project in an eight hour time-span that usually takes weeks?” My second thought was “This was handed to you for a reason. Do it and don’t complain.”

This second thought stemmed from a church message the previous Sunday that focused on what it means to be righteous. The word righteous in our culture can carry a negative connotation of doing all things right, which seems pretty pious. However, the meaning expressed in scripture is something totally different. Righteous is doing right by God.
This is how I approached my surprise project for the day! I needed to do right by God. I needed to assess the work load with a clear mind. I needed to ask questions like: What information do I need to gather? Who do I get this information from? Do I have enough time to achieve the project in a well presented manner?

At the end of the day I achieved the project with God by my side the entire time! I was challenged. I overcame the negativity that wanted to consume me, which was not easy by any means. Looking back on the situation, even if I didn’t complete the project due to the time constraint, I still would have done right by God. Why? Because I addressed the situation in a positive way not letting negativity get the best of me, which is doing right by God. Thank you God for a lesson learned!

Jennie Heydt, Grant Coordinator

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