Tuesday, August 17, 2010

WSHS's Medicine Inventory Day!

A few weeks ago I was preparing for the medicines inventory count. The day was getting closer when we would once again count every, YES EVERY, prescription pill in the med room. I began to wonder how things would go. Did I have the prep work done thoroughly? Would we have enough help? What if everyone came at once and we didn’t have enough pill counters to use? Would there be unforeseen problems with the computer system when we made a change to entering by the National Drug Code numbers? Would we be here all day and all night???? I hoped for the best but must admit I had some anxiety as I occasionally imagined the worst!

As the day came, I was amazed by God. He literally provided just the right people for the right tasks at the right times to make the day go very smoothly! It was like a puzzle that fit together perfectly! And…we were even finished by 6:00pm with meds counted, entered into the computer, and back on their shelves neatly! Thank you, God, for being in control and knowing our every need…even in something as little as the med count.

Water Street Health Services is a division of Water Street Ministries that provides Christian medical, dental and behavioral health services to over 2,000 individuals who would otherwise be without access to health care.

By Jean Benedict, RN & Nurse Administrator, Water Street Health Services

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