I borrowed the book Overcoming Addictive Behaviors (Anderson and Quarles) from a coworker to better understand what a lot of the clients at the Lydia Center, the Mission and Water Street Health Services are experiencing. I was surprised to find out, though, how closely the concepts connected with my own life.
Over the weekend I read a section about strongholds developing in a person’s life. It starts with a temptation, which in itself isn’t sin. Jesus was tempted three times in the desert, but the Bible tells us He was without sin (Hebrews 4:15). What a comforting reminder!
If we entertain that temptation, meaning we consider it or start to follow through on it, then it starts to become dangerous – sinful. It becomes a stronghold. Within just six weeks of following through on a temptation, the authors said a habit is formed.
The way to beat a stronghold, the book recommended, is with Scripture. When Jesus was hungry and tempted to turn a stone into bread, he quoted a verse from Deuteronomy 8:3 which says, “Man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.”
I may not struggle with an alcohol or drug addiction, but for me, self righteousness, pride and my performance have become, in a way, addictions.
This week when certain thoughts – temptations -- crept in, I scrambled for a verse that speaks the truth. Time and time again, portions of a verse I had memorized in my childhood came to mind: whatever is admirable, whatever is lovely, whatever is pure, think about such things (Philippians 4:8). It was amazing to see how my sinful attitude just melted away! I found myself almost surprised by the power of Scripture.
I’m excited to become more aware of my thoughts, so I can arm myself with applicable verses to fight off the temptations. I have a long way to go to take captive every thought, but God’s on my side.
- Maria Schaszberger • Director of Communications
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Previous Posts in this Series:
Fighting Addiction With the Armor of God
Fighting Addiction, and Experiencing God's Love
Dying to be FREE
She Walked In
Caught Between Egypt & the Promised Land
Quitting is the easy part!
Stay tuned for the next post in this series on Addiction!
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