Wednesday, April 19, 2006


It was a Friday evening and my weekend to work in the shelter. I was feeling fearful because I had been out sick the day before and wasn’t really sure what I may be walking into (each day/evening is different). Plus, it was my wedding anniversary and I really wanted to be out having a nice dinner with my husband.

As the evening started my stomach churned in fear and in my mind was racing of fearful thoughts like “what’s going to happen” or “what may happen?”

I then remembered a verse from I John 4:18 “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear….” As I repeated this verse over and over in my mind throughout the evening going about my various tasks, my fears disappeared.

Later in the weekend, I had a couple of opportunities to comfort some children who were ill or who needed some help to get to bed. As I sang to them “Jesus loves me…” the song reminded me again of how God’s love is bigger than circumstances or me.

God’s perfect love drives out fear and since we are God’s children we can rest in his loving arms.

-Mary Minnich, Women’s counselor

1 comment:

Trailady said...

This is such a neat blog!! Your words are so very true. :o) My husband and I heard "Jesus Loves You" most of our lives, but now, in our 30's it's finally sinking in and becoming real for us both. God is good!! :o)