Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Fellowship and fun in the mail room

My name is Shirley Dabler. I have been a volunteer with the Mission for about 12 ½ years. I had decided early on to offer my time and talents with the Mission upon my retirement from my profession. My reason for doing so was to be able to give back to the community. I was so blessed to have worked for my company for 40 years—I wanted to take the talents God gave me, and use them for the good of others.

My main duty at Water Street is helping to get the monthly mailings processed and out the door. For about six years I have been the Team Leader of the mail crew. I must say the experience has been both challenging and very rewarding. One of the greatest gifts I have received is the fellowship and friendship among the group. It sort of became like a family. Although we work very hard, the times of laughter and fun outweigh the task at hand.

Don’t miss your opportunity to use your gifts that can affect the lives of others. To see the life of someone change because of something you do is the most rewarding gift in life.

-Shirley Dabler, volunteer

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