Tuesday, April 11, 2006

We need each other

Last week we had a meeting with male and female program staff. Now that doesn’t sound like a big deal until you realize that everyone is incredibly busy and our census (the number of residents) is high so it’s difficult meshing staff calendars. And it is extremely easy to unthinkingly operate more as a Martha than a Mary when so often the latest crisis and our ever-present "day-timer" govern our agenda!

Adding to the mix was the intention of the meeting – to develop a philosophy of ministry that could be embraced by all program staff! Talk about a difficult task!

And I can say this – the meeting went very well! Now quite honestly, the philosophy of ministry statement is yet unformed. But I am gently reminded of this: that we are more effective and reflect Christ more clearly when we work together and value the contributions of all. Stay tuned.

-Steve Brubaker, Director of Residential Ministries

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