Wednesday, April 26, 2006

God's plan, not mine

The Lord has a wonderful sense of humor and puts up with a lot of foolishness in us, His children. I can't count how many times I have heard people say that they held back from yielding to Jesus because they were afraid He would ask them to give up all they loved and do something they hated.

When I was a little girl I wanted to be a nurse, serving the Lord. But in my teens I found that I loved to help the younger girls understand their homework, and my goal changed to becoming a teacher, serving the Lord. In college I saw those who sat behind a desk typing and answering the phone, and thought how boring that must be. I would never want to do that!

I started out as a teacher of French in the elementary grades. (Don't ask me to speak French now! That was over forty years ago!) Then babies came along and I was nurse, teacher and scrub woman at home for several years.

When I returned to the work force I asked the Lord to open the right door… and where should I land but in a front office, behind a desk, typing and answering the phone!

In a secular company, I found my assignment and my challenge were to live the love and integrity of Jesus in such a way as to make people hungry for a Lord they had no time for. It is still my challenge, and it is anything but boring!

- Eunice Kolb, WSRM Receptionist

1 comment:

Trailady said...

I am so very thankful for the leading of the Lord in my life. Who knows what I would have ended up doing had He not been guiding my footsteps...