Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The Lord Knows What is Right for Me…

My children were finally raised & out of the house. I had a little extra time to do things that I wanted to do. The Lord was playing on my heart for awhile to give something back to the community when I received a flyer in the mail from the WS Clinic saying they needed RN volunteers in the medical clinic. I filled out the application and mailed it in. I got a call from Gale Thomason and made an appointment to meet with her. I thought to myself, I have been a baby nurse most of my career, working in Neonatal Intensive Care. I was thinking, do I really remember what to do with an adult patient anymore, but the Lord kept calling me to do this.

I arrived the first day to volunteer and was gladly impressed with what came back to me; adults really didn’t change very much. Blood pressures, vital signs, medications – they all came back to me. I knew the Lord wanted me to do this and He was right by my side all the way.

I really enjoy my time at the clinic. I have met many new people from all walks of life. Doctors, nurses and of course the patients. Most are very committed to changing their lives and committed to the Lord.

I really appreciate the opportunity to work here in the medical clinic. The Lord knows what is right for me.

- Lynn Balmer, RN, Water Street Medical Clinic

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