Tuesday, November 14, 2006

"She sees me when I can't see myself"

When I worked at the rescue mission in Jacksonville my boss met with city officials before the Super Bowl came to town. The city had a keen interest in knowing what was going to ‘happen to the homeless’ when the Super Bowlers visited Jax. And they were very nervous that the ‘unhidden’ homeless in our midst might disturb the partygoers from out of town. They like many in our communities believed it best that the homeless and troubled were out of view – and out of public awareness.

I am encouraged to know that God sees us and loves us when we are ‘out of sight.’ Way before any of us came to know Jesus personally, God already knew us, cared about us, and was beckoning us to come meet Him. Amazing isn’t it?

And I am often encouraged here at the Mission as I witness my fellow staff members in how they ‘notice’ the residents. In the Mission, on most every day of the year, at almost anytime of the day there is someone being fed, being spoken with, being ministered to. The staff and volunteers bring dignity and respect to each of these residents, all who have been ‘in the shadows of life for so long.’ And in so doing, the staff dramatically models the reality that God sees us when ‘we are afar off.’

One of our older, African – American residents was speaking passionately to me about her relationship with Cheryl, one of our young counselors. Of Cheryl she said this, “Cheryl sees me when I can’t see myself!” I was humbled when I heard this and reminded of the sacred privilege we have – that of coming along side someone who is broken and hurting. Our very caring Father has used Cheryl’s eyes of compassion, her thoughtful words, her loving silence, her embracing acceptance, and her authentic and vulnerable relationship with this once hidden older woman to reveal that He sees her and has not ‘passed her by.’ May you be encouraged today Cheryl, to persist in loving those around you in such an open and defenseless way! Jesus loves you, girlfriend, in word and deed!

-Steve Brubaker, Residential Ministries

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