Friday, July 18, 2008

Making an impact

When his phone rang, York Teen Haven Field Director Alex Mikusow answered and was surprised to hear form a young man who had formerly been involved in Teen Haven but had since moved out of town. As the two spoke, Alex’s doorbell rang…but wanting to give his full attention to the young man on the phone, he ignored it. When the doorbell continued ringing, he excused himself from the call to answer it. Astonished, he saw the same young man from the phone call, along with his three brothers, at the door!

Over fruit snacks and Gatorade, the four spent time catching up. Each testified to how important Teen Haven had been in their lives, even though they hadn’t admitted it when they were younger! Just as the visit became more lively with indoor basketball, foosball, and the like, two more former Teen Haven young men arrived at the door. The first guests had invited them!

It was such a blessing to hear that the boys had become responsible, upright, young men – one a welder, another finishing high school, one in the field of education, two taking college classes, and one considering marriage in the near future. Most are still active in church-related activities.

When we sow seeds of faith, we never know what they are going to produce. We simply need to remain faithful, continuing to cultivate, water and nourish this crop of young people. Thank you for your dedicated role in that process!

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