Monday, July 14, 2008

Overheard on campus...

Some resident comments[1] recently overheard that made me think …

From Michael (who is currently living in transitional housing): “Steve, isn’t it really great being able to have a private bathroom? I haven’t had a private bathroom in twenty years! Isn’t God good?”

From 40-something Hazel (who is parading around on the campus with a children’s baby doll): “Mr. Steve, I know I’m acting silly but I don’t care. I didn’t have a childhood and I kind of like being able to play with this doll and make other people laugh when they hear me speak through her!”

From Natalie (who accepted Christ into her heart while in the Women’s Shelter and is now at the Lydia Center): “I’m so glad I can read again! I read a lot when I was a child but literally could not comprehend words during the years I used drugs. When I accepted Christ into my heart I don’t know what happened but suddenly I could read again. I am reading voraciously now. It is so cool to be able to read again!”

-Submitted by Steve Brubaker, Residential Ministries
[1] These are not their real names!

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