Thursday, July 10, 2008

More staff thoughts...

Why I like working here:

It's a joy to work here at WSRM because everyone appreciates each other and to know that I am a part of God's mission here, even though a small part. I see God's kingdom here. Praise be Jesus!
-Bill Killian, IT

Seeing women reach their goals - school/work/their own place - and stay sober. And to see their excitement.
- Elaine Hostetter, Women's Ministry

Every new day the Lord continues to reveal Himself, His provisions and His ways. When there is a need for the camp it is great to see how and through what means the Lord will provide. He is always faithful! For example: we needed hamburger and so we prayed that the Lord would provide. The day we got it our freezer broke down as well, but within an hour He met that need as well and we had a new freezer full of fresh hamburger!
-Gina Frey, Teen Haven Camp

What has God taught me recently:

Matt 8:28 - the value of one person is worth more than the economy of a town.
- Jason Breckbill, IT

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