Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Books donated through a Birthday!

Two weeks ago, I got a phone call from a person I talked to several weeks ago. In the busy-ness of the beginning of school, I forgot about this conversation until she called me again. She had called to inquire as to whether we could use books for our kids. Her 9-year-old daughter was having a birthday party and instead of buying gifts for her, she wanted to invite her guests to buy books for the Wonder Club children.

This mother called to tell me that through the Birthday party they had collected 69 books, using the list on our website (http://waterstreetministries.org/MakeADifference/WishLists/WonderClubWishList.aspx). Together, the Mother and daughter came to drop off the gifts last week. I had the opportunity to chat with the child and her mother. One of the questions that we asked was, “why did you want to do this instead of receiving gifts for yourself?” The child’s response was that she and her family like to read and have lots of books and she knows that many of our children do not have books of their own to read!” Already at age 9 this young girl is learning the blessing of giving.

Lorraine Brandt • Wonder Club Administrator

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