Thursday, October 08, 2009

Thru the life of Eugene

Eugene recently died from cancer, he was not a resident here for very long. But in his 6 months here Eugene touched all of us through how he dealt with life and his impending death! Granted he was blessed to come to a place that loved him and where he could not only be sober but also learn to accept God’s love and acceptance of him. I think we all really loved his attitude even as he knew he was dying.

I think God encouraged us all to live a little more like Eugene did and how Paul told us to in Phil 1:29a – WHATEVER happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.

The memorial we celebrated with Eugene’s sibling was indeed joyous, AND neat to see how God used us all to not only bless the family but be tremendously blessed ourselves, God is good!

Chuck Albrecht • Shelter Manager, Water Street Mission

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