Tuesday, October 13, 2009

BoxTops to support Wonder Club ELC

As we are at the beginning of a new school year, I want to remind all of you that we would love to have your help in collecting Box Tops for Education (found on most General Mills products and its subsidiary companies) and Campbell’s Labels. All you need to do is clip the little Box Tops coupons or the Campbell’s proof and send them to:
Wonder Club Early Learning Centers
PO Box 7267
Lancaster, PA 17604

The complete listing of products can be found at www.Boxtops4education.com and www.labelsforeducation.com

You can also support Wonder Club by participating in the Giant A+ rewards program. We appreciate the many of you who took the time last year to register your bonus card and designate Wonder Club to receive these funds. However, you must re-register your card each year. If you are a Giant shopper and have a bonus card, please take a few moments to log on to http://www.giantaplus.com/ and register your bonus card using the designation number 02287. That is all you need to do; after you designate our school every shopping trip to Giant using your bonus card earns cash for our school!

Or for more details on supporting Wonder Club visit our wish list at: http://waterstreetministries.org/MakeADifference/WishLists/WonderClubWishList.aspx

Lorraine Brandt • Wonder Club Administrator

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