This post is part of our current Blog Series - focusing on Addiction! As you read these stories we invite you to share your thoughts, reflections and insights. This series will include stories on addiction, along with 8 articles from our most recent Messenger magazine. Our hope is that as we engage in conversation together, we can gain a deeper understanding in the midst of trials and celebrations of overcoming addiction. Jim Stanton • Program Counselor

“Where you go, I’ll go, where you stay, I’ll stay, when you move, I’ll move, I will follow you.” These lyrics are by Jason Ingram, Reuben Morgan and Chris Tomlin in the song: I WILL FOLLOW. I can say that they really sunk into my head and heart one memorable night at the Giant Center in Hershey, PA as singer, Chris Tomlin sang them March 8, 2011. A co-worker, Mark Noel, and I had the luxury of enjoying the concert with 2 van loads of men from the LifeRecovery Program at
Water Street Mission. Men who had previously lived in addiction, prison, and various levels of life apart from God’s will had joined us and thousands in worship and surrender to the "YOU", Almighty God!
For my life to move forward in surrender and obedience to God it actually involved a move for my wife and I to the big city of Lancaster and taking on a job as a Program Counselor to men who needed help, and yes, lots of love. God had prepared my heart to love others that some folks might find difficult to love unconditionally. The same song included these words: “Who you love, I’ll love, how you serve, I’ll serve, If this life I lose, I will follow you.” Humbled by this challenge I turned to my co-worker and mentioned that the men standing in worship together with us are “who you love, I’ll love.”
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