Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The bottom line...

Working for the past 16 years in a Human Resources Career and working for three for-profit companies, I had heard many times how staff were expected to excel in their job performance to exceed the bottom [financial] line.

Three years ago, I was part of a “Life Group” at Lancaster County Bible Church where we studied The Purpose Driven Life, by Rick Warren. It was the best study I had gone through because God changed my heart in many ways. He specifically led me to reconsider my current career path and be open to new expectations He had for me during the remainder of my earthly journey.

Over the past two years, I began to seek other employment where my focus and expectations were not on the “bottom line”, but to first glorify God either in an HR career or another career path. After looking for more than one year, God brought me to Water Street Rescue Mission. WSRM is an essential ministry, which is led by Biblical values and a place where staff share how God is being glorified through their everyday work. Staff also pray before meetings, before interviews and will pray for each other when sharing a burden or personal issue. We are not expected to exceed the [financial] bottom line, but to experience God’s grace and His love through this ministry.

WSRM has dedicated, compassionate, hardworking staff who love Jesus and who desire to advance God’s kingdom through this ministry. We all have an internal gratitude to God (for the price that Jesus paid for us on the Cross) and want to glorify Him in everything we do and that is the bottom line!

-Jane A. Keller, Human Resources Director

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