Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Learning about life

I work on the administration floor, away from the sweat and tears of real rescue mission work. In an attempt to understand what Water Street Rescue Mission is all about, I spent a Saturday evening on the women’s floor. Really, I spent a Saturday evening learning what life is all about.

I learned about the desire to achieve: I met a female resident in the elevator who had just found employment for the first time in two years. She was so excited and proud – you could see the joy bubbling up from inside of her.

I learned about the hardships of parenting: One resident was very pregnant, and she looked exhausted. It was all she could do to walk down the overly warm hallway (currently the women’s shelter does not have air conditioning), let alone tend to the two rambunctious children tugging and screaming at each arm. She struggled with understanding how to best discipline her children.

Another mother had three children, ranging from 3 to 6 years of age. I sat down with her kids who were watching Cinderella 2 in the lobby. They laughed and hugged me and jumped onto my lap. The youngest even started to cry when I had to leave. Their mom obviously loved them, but often spoke with a sharp tongue – maybe from the frustration of all that homelessness brings, or maybe that’s how her mother spoke to her.

I learned about living out faith. A resident shared about her job, and how her coworkers were giving her a hard time for being thorough and efficient. The resident said she wanted to do her best at the job the Lord had given her and share her faith at the same time, but others’ comments and looks were demeaning.

Thank you, Lord, for each unique individual you bring to Water Street Rescue Mission. Thank you for their gifts, talents, and dreams. Thank you for making a plan for their lives – for each of our lives.

Praising Him,

-Maria B. Ream, Public Relations and Media Manager


Anonymous said...

Thanks Maria for your comments and it really blesses me that someone from Administration would want to know what life is like in the trenches. I'm sure it was out of your comfort zone. I'm sure it meant a lot to the women and I'm sure it also means a lot to you. Thanks for being a blessing. CA

Anonymous said...


Thanks for sharing and for taking the time to 'hang' with some of our folks. May God grant you great wisdom and discernment as you bring excellence and Christ's heart to PR!

U R loved and under His mercy,

Steve B.