Thursday, June 15, 2006

Not just an ordinary Father's Day

This is the day many children celebrate and honor their dads, whether biological or adoptive; we celebrate a special day for them.

I give great honor and thanks to my Father, God. He took me out of the worst of the picking; I was anything but a son to be proud of.

My bio-family disowned or shunned me because I choose to speak the truth about the dysfunction in my life with the family. I knew if I was to survive my life I would have to hold up my chin and walk away from their denial. One parent blaming the other, yet both was abusive. Lies that they taught me I believed and lived out until November 14th, 2004.

I became baptized, reborn in my spiritual life, more importantly to me at the time was to be adopted, as is, into my Heavenly Father’s Kingdom. He has blessed me so many blessings.

He directed me to Water Street Rescue Mission, He provided loving and patient staff to allow me a chance to really learn the truth of who God really is, who I am and given me a happier life with Him. I’m swimming in a healing, loving, spiritual pool that my Father has given me. An opportunity to really seek Him out, to make me transparent so His light can shine through me and allow light to brighten another’s darkened spirits.

Father God has taught me Real Love; His Truth in His Word is all about.

I forgave my bio-family and prayed mercy on them. I had hoped they (the bio-family) would have sought out Christian counseling and moved on with their lives.

I’m starting to move on in my life with all my heart and soul on doing anything that is pleasing to my Heavenly Father. I want to live a life that is only pleasing to Him.

He blessed me with a family at West End Mennonite Fellowship, also many Brothers and Sisters at Water Street Rescue Mission. I am also surrounded daily with Love, support, encouragement and inspiration.

This will never be “just another Father’s Day” for me again, but rather a Happy Holy Father God’s Day.

Teach me all your ways so you, Heavenly Father can have all the glory and honor for all the many accomplishments in my life.

Happy Holy Father God’s Day! I LOVE YOU

-Bro. Pauljay

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pauljay, you inspire me and encourage me in my walk with God. It is great to see your transformation in progress. God is so GOOD! Sue P