Thursday, June 29, 2006


Before I came to Water Street Rescue Mission, I was floundering in my life.

I was filled with feelings of worthlessness which caused me to look for acceptance through pre-marital sex, one night stands, drinking, and getting “high” on anything that I could get my hands on to escape. I was out of control, practicing Wicca as my “Religion” instead of searching for the One who was always waiting for me.

Fourteen years ago I quit the drugs. I always thought it was through my own strength. But now I know it was God watching over His sheep. Because when I was eleven, before all this happened in my life, I had accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.

I have always been over-emotional, and have a tendency to want to yell to get my point across. But with lots of prayer, He has been helping me give control to Him. It’s still a work in progress.

I thank God every day for giving me my counselor and the staff, and my church family that help me everyday on my path as a good Christian. God has helped me get control over my feelings and my inferiority complex, and my belief that there are conditions on all things. All things happen through prayer. I am thankful for all God has done in my life.

-Patricia, WSRM Resident

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