Monday, June 12, 2006

What is poverty?

We are in the midst of a discussion – internally and externally – concerning poverty.

How do we define poverty and what are the causes?

Is there a difference between the deserving and the undeserving poor? Who makes that determination?

Define charity. Is it biblical? Is it redemptive? Who makes that determination?

Who are the poor? What do they look like? Is this an urban or a suburban or a rural issue? How do we respond? How do we determine who needs our help and who does not?

As we look at Outreach Ministries, I have been facilitating a discussion that seeks to answer those questions from God’s perspective. In my flesh, I can draw lines where God might require Love. In my cynicism, I can close doors while God requires open arms.

Answering the philosophical questions are important and necessary, however, there are real people, with real lives, and with real needs who will be affected by what I decide.

Way too much power for a sinner such as I. Good thing I have a sovereign God to lean on.

Pray for me and all the leaders, staff, residents, and volunteers for the wisdom to lean on God and the grace to minister out of His Love for us.

-Rick Rutter, Outreach Ministries

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