Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Hiding in the dark, or a light in the dark?

I read this verse today for the first time. It’s always been there, however, this morning I saw it ... read it for the first time.

Judges 6:27 reads: So Gideon took ten men of his servants and did as the Lord had told him. But because he was too afraid of his family and the men of the town to do it by day, he did it by night.

It’s tough being openly obedient to God. Especially if you like comfort over conflict, peace over prejudice, or rest over regret. This is especially true for the men in Lancaster County Prison I met with this morning. They are faithful in their attendance and appear genuine in their desire to see their lives transformed. However, the cares of the world, in their case a prison system that is overcrowded (this morning 3 men in 2 man cells and women sleeping on cots in the gym) and where control is necessary, compassion is not always evident.

So when some of these men get back to their pods and cells fear of man reigns. Fear of the guards, of the others in the pods and in their cell. Any slight is a perceived disrespect and those perceived as being weak are exposed to intimidation and threats. Persecution for genuine faith is real. Men and women struggle to succeed because they do not have the hope or a strong enough faith to see the potential they possess as God created them.

And in the darkness of their cells - they read and study. They cry out to God and live as obediently as they know how. In the middle of the night, they are studying, struggling to understand God and learn how they can be successful when all their lives they been told (verbally and through actions) that they are worthless and will never be successful.

No wonder they only come out at night.

In the midst of the chaos are men and women who withstand the persecution to minister under the banner of Christ that they may all know God has a plan and a purpose for them all.

What excuse do I have for not being the light, the example, the hope for the lost. The vessel God uses as He draws the unsaved unto salvation. Have I grown too comfortable? Too complacent?

Lord, help me to understand the freedom that comes from serving you openly and call and challenge to live out my faith boldly and openly – without the fear of my family or of man.

-Rick Rutter, Outreach Ministries

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