Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Amazing impact

As we’ve said so many times, we are so thankful for the volunteers who faithfully serve God by serving at Water Street Rescue Mission! But when I tell people that in 2005 we had over 6,000 volunteers who donated more than 25,000 hours of volunteer service, many are amazed! Our volunteers do so many things, from painting the kitchen to serving meals, from mentoring a client to driving him to an appointment, from treating an illness to providing dentures. Our volunteers are amazing people with many and varied God-given talents!

So far this year from January through June (July’s hours have not been calculated yet), over 3,000 volunteers have blessed Water Street Rescue Mission! Take a look at the chart below to see where these volunteers are being put to work!

Though we are blessed with so many wonderful volunteers, we still have need for more! If you want to find out more information about volunteering at Water Street Rescue Mission, please check out our website, www.wsrm.org, or contact me at volunteer@wsrm.org.

January - June 2006
Community Outreach----------523.00-----------84
Dental Clinic-------------------823.50----------166
Food Service------------------3034.25--------1306
Learning/Career Center--------155.00----------23
Lydia Center------------------2015.00---------241
Medical Clinic------------------1619.25---------254
Men's Ministry-----------------144.50-----------18
Thrift Store----------------------12.00-----------2
Women's Ministry---------------156.25----------38
Wonder Club--------------------412.50----------62
Teen Haven-------------------3635.00---------190

-Carissa Martin, Volunteer Coordinator

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