Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Leap of faith

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding” Proverbs 3:5 NIV

During one of our recent summer endeavors, my co-worker and I were treated to a biblical object lesson (of sorts) from a youth who attends our day camp program. Although this young man had no idea that he was teaching us a valuable lesson, his action resembled the Hebrew picture imagery, which Jesus used to teach his disciples and captivate so many others.

The setting couldn’t have been more picturesque; beautiful Mount Gretna on a pristine August afternoon. Although Travonne was hesitant to make this trip with his peers, he was willing after an encouragement (and hug) from Mr. Jose. It wasn’t that this young gentleman didn’t enjoy our various special outings, but most likely was imprisoned by some of his own fears. Tra’s hesisitancy to join us this particular day was due to last year’s trip, when he wasn’t able to swim out 100 yards to the high-dive tower to hang with his friends, who were jumping ( and making their counselors nervous every time!) into the cold water below.

As we began the day practicing swimming techniques in the shallow end of the lake, I couldn’t help but notice that Travonne would often glance out to the high-dive tower. His yearning to be alongside the other boys seemed to stir up a tension within him, which wouldn’t rest. As his skills increased, so did his desire to make the “big jump.”

A half-hour prior to departure time from the lake, Tra (with tears in his eyes) confessed that he was ready to slay this “giant” in his life. Along with an escort of six experienced swimmers, we made our way out to the tower successfully. The moment of truth had arrived. The fear that tried to paralyze this young man as he climbed the ladder was eclipsed by the increasing sound of spectators chanting “Tra! Tra! Tra!” The moment of truth was here. After a 10-minute “apprehension” session at the top, Travonne nervously leaped into the water (safely), and was congratulated by those who acted as his “safety net.” As they say in those credit card advertisements, “Priceless!”

So, what was it that we actually learned from this? For one, in our Christian walk, we can be assured that the Lord will stretch us in calling us to do things which stretch us and flat out, scare us. He also wants us to trust Him first, but also to welcome the encouragement of those fellow believers, who have gone through similar experiences. At times the victory may come at the “reckless abandonment” of closing our eyes and jumping into the trustful hands of our Heavenly Father!

- Michael Kerrigone, Lancaster Teen Haven

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