Thursday, August 03, 2006

The passing of a frequent missionite (7-28-06)

(Tonight 8/3/06 - we will have a special memorial service in the chapel at 7pm for Rick)

Rick Ferguson (45) was one of a kind in many ways. He certainly fit the stereotype “homeless man” from the outside but on the inside he was nowhere close to a stereotype (guess God made sure of that).

Rick had a difficult home life and was put up for adoption at a young age. Thankfully he was adopted by a loving family. However in his teenage years he overheard his adoptive parents talking about his biological parents and discovered to his horror that his father killed his mother when Rick was very young and got away with it. It’s not hard to fathom why Rick would have had a life long rage and anger at his father and authority and why he had a hard time trusting people. When he was 25 and high on drugs he nearly killed himself in a motorcycle accident and has had seizures ever since.

The combination of drugs and alcohol, frequent seizures and secondary physical problems all contributed to a very shoddy work history which also contributed to his homelessness. His anger and trust issues led to his dismissal from many a shelter, hospital and church soup kitchens… which landed him on the streets… which led to vagrancy… and arrests… and fines to pay.

I was so hoping that Rick could let go of his anger and learn to trust me. There were times he did, but then he would revert to “his old man” – as he called it. In spite of his occasional departures from the mission, he continued to attend church at West End on a VERY regular basis and I think he felt very comfortable there – maybe even felt that he once again belonged to a family. Sure we put up with the smells, the occasional attitude and seizures but we also got blessed by his tender heart for the Lord, compassion for others and generosity. He was the first one ready to serve when there was work to be done at the church. In spite of Rick’s many and constant physical, emotional and financial problems – he also deeply cared for other hurting people. I must also mention that he loved to play guitar and was ALWAYS working on a song.

Rick was an extremely passionate man and it often came out in negative ways for much of his life. I’m glad we could also see the blessing side of that passion. Rick was a perfect example of a sinner saved by grace, BUT he was equally a reflection of God’s workmanship. Good bye Rick, I will miss you as a client and as a brother.

-Chuck Albrecht, Men’s Ministry

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