Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Helping each other

Today I had a couple of counseling sessions. In counseling I have often heard things that have helped me.

In addition, I also met with clients who wanted to see me, “off the clock”. These times have an even greater enjoyment, for it is what doesn’t have to be done. I heard about the blessing of going the second mile, and these illustrate the benefit of it.

Showed my class a video on yielding rights and God pointed to an issue. In my last contribution to the blog, I wrote about being proud of being humble. A further area was revealed today.

At the end of the day a former client surprised me with a visit. Seeing him was very good. He even helped me locate a place I had longed to see, but did not find until today: the library. Continued relationships with graduated clients are a benefit of Water Street Rescue Mission. I have seen it with the chaplains and their former clients and experienced it anew today.

Each of these events has something in common. In helping others, I am helped.

-Michael Haines, Men’s Ministry

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