Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Beggars in need of "bread"

I realized the other day as I was speaking to a group from a local church that many truly do not understand what we do here at Water Street or understand who lives here.

As I am describing to them that we have clients here at the Mission who are college educated, to the illiterate (and everything in between), and that many know Jesus (or know of) and what they really need to grasp is that they are lovable, they were taking notes! This church wants to come and do chapel but truly doesn’t understand the need.

I don’t think they are that unusual. How many other churches or believers come to “help the homeless” at Water Street and have no clue what the needs are? We got into a discussion then that “we” are “they” and “they” are “us”. A couple of people in the group started to share from their life experiences how it could have been them that made choices that led to homelessness & hopelessness. I shared stories of abuse related by residents that makes me wonder how they even survived. Mental illness and substance abuse becomes an escape with many associated lies being told to them by family, friends, the world and Satan. After being told you are no good and worthless enough times you will begin to believe it. And yes, they have taken a path that alienates them from all support. They may have lied, stolen and abused others, just as they were lied to, stolen from, and abused. Satan loves this cycle of the lost that goes from generation to generation. Keeping them blind, hopeless and constantly hungry, this leads them to feed from what the world offers.

This discussion then led to some creative ideas from this church on how they can share their lives, not preach to others that they need Jesus, but come and listen & share what God has done for them. How they have been rescued, that we all need to be rescued by God. I couldn’t emphasize enough to them that they need to share what God puts on their hearts about their life with Him. He knows each person in that chapel and can (and wants to) meet their need in His perfect way. Whoever is sharing with the residents at Water Street, whether staff, volunteers, or churches, we must ask God to work through us for His glory. Only He can transform hearts and lives, remember how He transformed you? The residents are not any different than any member at any local church. We are all beggars in need of bread. We just happen to know the “Bread of Life” and should share!

-Gale Thomason, Water Street Clinics

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