Monday, September 18, 2006

Dependence or defiance?

Some time ago our ministry was discussing how dependence on God is manifested in our lives. The most common way we evaluate our dependence on God is by assessing our prayer life. However, if that is the only benchmark it can result in a shallow spiritualization of our relationship with God. Another benchmark of our dependence on God can be how we view daily activities.

Each activity that is a normal part of daily life is an opportunity for one to stand in defiance or kneel before God. It is not the activity itself which contains great value, but the posture of the inner man. In all activities, the inner man maintains a posture of humility or pride. Small insignificant activities can take on new meaning when we realize that they contain loud shouts of worship (or rebellion) toward God. It is in these small things that the true posture of one's heart is nurtured.

-Jere Shertzer, President, WSRM

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