Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Come as a child, pt 1.

On Thursday our Men’s Director, Aaron and the chaplain’s board participated in a question and answer time with the residential men. It was truly a ‘red-letter’ day in the life of our mission. As Donna our long time residential ministries’ secretary said, “this was probably the most exciting thing I’ve ever witnessed here.”

And what was so thrilling about a Q&A time with the chaps? Well, the men were encouraged to ask the chaps anything! And they did! The questions were pointed and specific. For example, the first question for all to answer was this: “What is your biggest weakness in your role at the mission and what is your most troublesome personal sin?”

Imagine the paradox in this meeting! Historically, we have always related to the men from a position of superiority, from expert (chaplain) to novice (resident) so this ‘open-ended’ Q&A time was threatening as it encouraged vulnerability in front of ‘messed up’ residents. We expect the residents to be open and exposed and ‘weakness-revealing’ yet we work hard to not show any of our faults to them! And we believe they must be forthcoming because their private issues are what brought them to our doors! And yet if we don’t acknowledge our weaknesses how can we expect to connect to the residents? And if we don’t connect with them how can we effectively share the gospel? So this meeting was truly profound in what it revealed – that we can – and must - minister from a position of ‘not-having-it-all-together.’

Ministry from weakness is messy and demands that we come alongside a resident and come out from ‘behind our desks and titles!’ Ministry from weakness demands that we relate to the residents as peers. Ministry from weakness means that we are sure of our calling, our frailty, and our goal to effectively share the gospel. And ministry from weakness reveals Jesus as we ‘get out of the way’ so He can do His work through us! It was a ‘red-letter’ day indeed! Press on Aaron.

-Steve Brubaker, Men's Ministry

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how exciting and scary that must have been!! praying for all of you that God will continue to minister through you in your weakness and humility to the residents! continue to press on through unknown waters and keep your eyes on God!