Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Thank you United Way and DofC volunteers!

If you would have happened to drive by the Mission on Saturday September 9th, you would have seen that we were completely overrun with green shirts. On that Saturday we participated with Lancaster United Way for the Lancaster Day of Caring. About 80 volunteers came to Water Street Rescue Mission, wearing their green shirts, ready to work.

We had volunteers from Pfizer, Harrisburg Area Community College, PPL, The Heart Group, Millersville University and Apostles United Church of Christ. These volunteers worked from 8:30am – 12noon doing various projects around the Mission. The Chapel, the Dental Clinic, the Medical Clinic and the Men’s Emergency Shelter all got a good cleaning! At the Lancaster Teen Haven Youth Center volunteers did some grounds maintenance and caught a snake! There was a group who sorted donations in our Redistribution Department. And there was also a group of volunteers who cleaned up trash on the grounds of the Mission.

We are so blessed to be a part of such a caring community. Thank you United Way for organizing this day! And a big thank you to all the volunteers who gave up their Saturday morning to serve at the Mission! We truly were blessed by your efforts!

-Carissa Martin, Volunteer Coordinator

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Heart Group & PP&L volunteers were amazing in the clinics! The Medical Clinic was in dire need of a housecleaning and did they ever get it to shine. It not only looked good, but smelled good. They went way beyond my expectations when they defrosted the freezer and decorated for Fall. The dental clinic not only got cleaned but they made up dental kits and put together a mailing. Thanks so much to those who came with hearts to serve & thanks to Carissa, WSRM Volunteer Coordinator, for working with the United Way to get the help!
Gale Thomason
Director Health Services