Friday, September 08, 2006

The power of reflection

Recently the Lord has been holding mirrors up to me from all directions. He shows me how I relate to those around me. It’s all about me, and I hate that. Even this article is about me; I can’t seem to escape, for very long periods of time, the ugliness that oozes from my flesh.

The few minutes of escape I do get are when I stop and reflect on the forgiveness I received through the Cross of Jesus Christ, the forgiveness forged by innocent blood and offered freely without regard to the severity of what I have done. As I reflect on that it makes me grateful; it fills me up and I can overflow onto others because I truly have been forgiven much.

The truth of it is, I am aware of more sins committed by me than any other person I know. When I reflect on that I am humbled in the presence of whomever I am with. But, again, it is all too rare that those reflections happen. Why is that?

Reflecting on the Cross is like medicine for my sick soul; it makes me better. Yet somehow, for some reason I don’t always take the medicine. I don’t have a good reason why.

…And there I am, forgiven again.

- Aaron Eggers, Men’s Ministries

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