Thursday, September 14, 2006

They need our hearts to love them ...

“Many people mistake our work for our vocation. Our vocation is the love of Jesus” –Mother Teresa

We serve the seemingly hopeless; those who feel the weight of being “unwanted, unloved, uncared for, and forgotten”; a state which one of my heroes calls “…a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat”. By days end, we are often spent; our perspective all but gone. Our beds, which promise respite, are often a place of tossing & turning & tears. But then, the One who loves our hearts comes to us. The next thing we know, we are recharged and rising to face a new day…

Each new day promises its assortment of joy and sorrow. Today began with a co-worker (Glen) coming in to share his Joy over one of his “guys” (Dennis) who invited our precious Jesus to create a new heart in him. After Glen left, I cried, remembering the many days of watching this friend love his guys without even a hint of heart-softening. Soon, Dennis came to class beaming, desiring to tell all of us of his newly found Love.

Our morning session was led by our new Lydia Center Learning Center Coordinator (Carrie) and Volunteer Tutor (Bruce), while my Ministry Partner (Sue) and I entered into a new experience of individualized Student progress assessments. Today’s assessments focused on two of our current Students (Lane & Richard), who are nearing program completion and will soon begin their Transition back into society. It was a beneficial time of discussing their progress, strengths, weaknesses, and plans for the future. The lunch hour was filled with quality Client (Orrin, Harry, and Jonathan) interactions and in a time of prayer for our Executive Secretary (Lisa) and for a member of our Community (Loren). During our afternoon session, Sue and Carrie worked with several of our Women’s Ministry Clients (Cynthia, Heather, and Wendy), while I interviewed with a local workforce agency representative (Helen), as part of a focused effort to expand our Career component.

My work day ended with a short meeting with my newest personal Client (Dennis) and with a one-on-one session with another personal Client (Doug). Again tonight I’m leaving tired, though with a happy heart…

Norm Lowry
Learning Center Coordinator

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