Monday, September 18, 2006

Sharing in the gospel

A Bible I use is The Net Bible (New English Translation). Reading Philippians today I was reminded of two things. Philippians 1:5 says, “because of your participation in the gospel from the first day until now.” Verse seven puts it a different way, “all of you became partners in God’s grace together with me.” Later, 27 says, “conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.”

To contribute financially to a minister is sharing in the gospel. Another way to say sharing in the gospel is partnering with the minister in God’s grace. In other words, those who financially contribute to ministers financially join with them as if they were on the field with them. A person can share in ministry without being a minister; he shares in the gospel by contributing to those preaching it.

Paul rejoiced in prison because, “my situation has actually turned out to advance the gospel”. Paul was so motivated by the gospel that hardship which advanced the gospel was favorable. That is such a contrast to those who resist hardship. Imagine determining life or death on the basis of presenting the gospel.

Reading Philippians today I was reminded why we are here at Water Street Rescue Mission: to share the gospel. It can be easy to be distracted by other issues and focuses. An almost shocking thought is found in the context of sharing in the gospel financially—“the one who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus” (v. 6). Giving the gospel is not a work performed by man; God enables us to give the gospel. When we do good, it is God Who works in us this good work which we do. We are not just helping God out by helping ministers, but God is helping us to help others to share about His Son.

Two ideas I take from this is the purpose in ministry which should allow me to endure with joy is the gospel, and the one who performs good works is not just I, but God using me.

-Michael Haines, Men's Ministry

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