Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Lives changed through Teen Haven Camp

In the letter below, we hear the excitement of Chanea, a Teen Haven alumni, as she shares how through her involvement at Teen Haven, God impacted her perspectives and calling for the future. Listen, as she shares her gratitude in the letter below to Vinny Mikusow, the Field Director at Teen Haven Camp...

Hey Vinny,

I just wanted to say how honored I am to have worked with you all these years! I have learned so much from this ministry and from you. I didn't grow up with my father, so I was never taught what to look for in a man.

I remember at camp one weekend years ago, you spoke about what to look for in a man. Your sermon was basically on Godly men. You brought up two men, Boaz, and Joseph (Mary's Husband). It was that sermon that got me thinking on what it is I look for in a man that the Lord might have for me. My standards for guys became high. I knew I wanted a godly man, because I wanted something better for myself. I wanted to please God with my relationship when I got into one. Even now my standards are still set in stone. I have watched so many healthy marriages, and it has helped me know what I want.

I know I want to please God in all I do. I want to be so indwelt with Christ that I see no man, until He (Christ) lays him before me. It’s hard, but I know I have to have faith and trust in God no matter what. I said a prayer to God recently. I prayed, "Lord, I give you my heart, because you take care of it far better than I do. You protect it as if it were the rarest jewel. Since you have my heart, that means I can’t just give it to any man. When it’s time, you will give my heart to the one you will have for me. Amen."

It took a while for me to totally get to this point. I’ve waited so long, and it seems like everyone is getting married. Yes, I long to be married.

I wanted to thank you for being my spiritual father. I know I don't get to see you often, or always talk to you, but you’re always there ready to listen. Each time I talk to you, my respect for you just goes up. I have the highest respect for you. You’re an honest, devoted man of God. The lifestyle I chose to live was one to honor God but also because I was taught how to be a woman of God from you and Ms. Oddet. So thank you again for everything, all the encouragements, and talks.

Chanea - Teen Haven alumni

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, I am very excited that Teen Haven have impacted so many inner city lives. I know that I am not the one whos christian foundational walk started at Teen Haven, and I pray that it is not the last. Thank you for posting this.
